Quantel Medical – Vitra 2 – 532nm Laser

Quantel Medical – Vitra 2 – 532nm Laser

Ergonomic and easy to use, Vitra 2 offers a wide array of parameters tailored to the treatment of retinal pathologies.

Adaptable on Haag Streit or Zeiss sit lamps, it features a unique clinically oriented user interface and software-guided treatment procedures enhancing retinal treatments.


  • Traditional 532nm green wavelength.
  • Single Spot mode for conventional thermal retina treatments.
  • MultiSpot mode for peripheral treatments better tolerated by patients.


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Single Spot or Multispot

Traditional Single Spot laser photocoagulation is performed using single spots with long pulse durations (100 to 200 ms).

When lots of laser spots have to be delivered these laser sessions can be lengthy and taxing. The MultiSpot treatment mode bypasses of these limitations. By using shorter duration (10 to 20 ms) and pattern scan technology, multiple laser spots are delivered extremely fast in a variety of patterns, shortening the duration of the laser sessions and making the laser treatment more comfortable for both patient and surgeon.

Vitra 2 is compatible with both treatment modes.

Enhanced software interface